Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday January 17th, 2011

Hello Dear Friends and Family,

Reporting directly from Bryn Mawr Rehab today, Josh is well and going strong. His Occupational Therapy person Anne said Josh is physically the strongest patient they have here. This makes their job difficult because he can use all that strength to resist being stretched and pulled as they need to. Mostly, he is cooperative though, and very alert while they are working with him.

Josh is following some simple commands, signaling a choice between OJ or cranberry juice during therapy, making some good groaning noises and really getting some satisfaction working the clicker on a ball point pen.

Josh is going for long periods of time with his trach tube capped, enabling
him to breathe purely through his nose (or mouth).

By the end of the day, he is very, very tired.

They are calling for snow overnight and freezing rain in the morning,
so we are going to post this now tonight, and maybe edit and add in the

Thanks for everything! Good night.
The Bonjos


  1. May God continue to bless Josh, the medical staff and the both of you. We love you & continue to pray for Josh's recovery. Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do. All our love, the Hunters

  2. Rejoicing with you for every step forward! Who knew that the clicking of a pen, one of the most annoying things, would bring so much JOY!!! I will never look at that the same way again, it now brings a smile to my face. It’s all about perspective. Know that you are daily in our prayers, every morning the first thing we do is check the progress page for Josh and then cover you in prayer. Cousin, Jen

  3. I love you all so much. Thank you for continuing with this blog and letting us who cannot be there in person feel at least somewhat connected.

    Hopefully, you like Bryn Mawr as much as we did when my mom used to go there... and it makes me so happy that Josh has graduated to rehab. With love, Renee D.

  4. Thanks for the continueing posts. We look forward to hearing Josh's continued improvements. Stay safe in this weather. Love to the family, Judy & Kimmy

  5. Great news all around, wonderful to hear. PT's exhausting but all for the best, he's making strides already! Good luck.

  6. Yay Josh!!!!!!!!!!!! go Josh go!
    This is so great to hear.
    God bless all the doctors and nurses and therapists as they do their incredible work.
    Angels are looking over you all!

  7. tomorrow is 35 days since we read the first post here. if others are like me they come and check in several times a day. all that caring, healing positive energy is surrounding you. and so no surprise that Josh is the strongest on the floor! whhooosh! I hear a thousand ball point pens clicking him on his way. thanks for every single word!


  8. Ditto to everything Susan said. Love you.

  9. Such excellent news !! Josh has such a strong spirit, he is undoubtedly working hard to bring himself back. Click that pen for all you are worth Josh. Smiling just to think of that.
    Love and strength to you all,

  10. wonderful news!!! with each day Josh makes more progress. He is a strong person ,in body and mind and will. thanks so much for keep this blog. all the prayers and love to Josh and Family are surrounding you all with each breath- love Nan
