Time marches on and Josh moves forward.
Josh continues to thrive under the guidance of
the Bryn Mawr Rehab team. He is in the pool every
week now. Despite his protests, he always has a big
smile on his face while he's in the water.
Josh is walking in the pool with little or no
assistance. He can stand at the wall unassisted.
Josh is walking in the gym with and without a walker
with minimal assistance. He can stand at a wall or with
a support on one side unassisted.
In OT, his arm and hand strength continue to increase
and his right arm gains more mobility and dexterity
week after week. "Righty", as we call him, is helping
with dressing, eating, grooming and on the tablet computer.
Josh's memory issues seem to come and go to a varying
degree. For the most part, he is coping, and learning
skills to help overcome this.
At home, Josh is assembling wooden models, paper crafting,
baking and working on his stand up routine. Thanks to Abilities
in Motion for finally getting us some assistance in the home a
few hours a week and finalizing some minor alterations in the
Things were a bit hectic last week. As Mike was flying in
from a trip to Chicago, Darling was driving to Vermont
to help out Rose who was diagnosed with Scarlet Fever.
Everyone is doing better now and back at home this week.
It's always something...
We are thankful for the progress Josh is making and for the
continued love and support from our circle of family and friends.
The Bonjos