Happy New Year Everyone!
We had a great holiday filled with many emotions;
celebrations of Christmas, a New Year and the life of
Josh, as well as, difficult memories of Josh's accident
brought to the surface by the time of year.
We are so grateful for the second chance we have been given
with Josh. He understands how blessed he is and demonstrates
this through his hard work in therapy. He is standing and walking
with little or no assistance in the pool. We believe his "dry land"
skills are about to make another leap to a higher level.
Josh is also using a very interesting new program at BMR on the Ipad
which tests, tracks and monitors cognitive skills in many
areas. Josh picked it up immediately, of course, and it looks like
the Ipad has become the tool of choice at the rehab center.
We are so thankful for all of our friends, family, co-workers,
and strangers who dropped everything in their lives to be at
our side in our time of need, a year ago. This has been a truly
life changing experience in so many ways.
So now we move ahead in a new year, cheering Josh on, day by day,
on his race to recovery.
We Love You All!
Mike, Darling, Josh and Rose