Wednesday, January 12,2011
Hello all,
We are all dug out from the snow, but the storm and a bit of flu in the Bonjo household delayed posts this week.
Josh is doing well, healthy and stable still. Plans to cap and remove his trach will probably commence at the beginning of next week. His nurses think he is more than ready and are pushing for it. This will give him the ability to make a wider range of sounds and hopefully re-engage his vocal chords which were seen to be still uncoordinated when scoped. He is making some low growly sounds, mostly in complaint to the rigors of physical therapy, but also while sleeping/dreaming and today when I told him I had to leave. Grrrr...
His wakefulness continues to grow daily, he is tolerating up to 5 hours in the wheelchair, and is showing much movement in his left hand. With those fingers he explores anything in his grasp, reacting with many physical signs when given one of his small toy robots to hold. He is also using his left hand to reach out for things, to reach across his body and possibly drop things when asked to. All of these actions are painfully slow, and when done to command, seem to take massive thought and effort. His right side seems to be disconnected still and so far he has shown no spontaneous movement in that hand.
Josh is tracking things with his eyes, looking up, down, and to the side if directed.
Once again, these movements are slow or sporadic. Last Friday, he watched his sweet blond nurse, Pat, walk in the room and when she said hello to him, he smiled at her with his funny one-sided smile that I have seen many times. A few spontaneous nods at appropriate moments have cheered us, but he has not been able to nod when asked to in order to communicate with us.
The staff at Bryn Mawr Rehab feels he is doing well, waking quickly and early in his recovery process and that this is a very positive sign. But many small physically accomplishments called functional gains, will be needed to extend his stay at BMR. He must show he can work with and benefit from the physically therapy over the next four weeks. We believe he is up to the challenge. We know his strong will be a huge part of his recovery. And as his amazing brain reboots, re-routes, and establishes new connections, he will continue to reveal his emerging capabilities.
Our hearts are warmed by the support of all who are reading this. To our family and friends on the West Coast, we can feel your love over here in the snow-covered North.
Please send good thoughts of strength and mental/physical reconnection to our sweet boy.
Much Love,
The Bonjos